Emsculpt Abs: How to Get the Coveted Six Pack
Emsculpt ab treatments are the most popular application of this bodybuilding treatment. For many gym enthusiasts, six-pack abs are the most coveted physical feature. Both men and women spend hours in the gym trying to obtain a ripped, sculpted core. Unfortunately, recent studies show that six-pack abs are not always attainable, regardless of exercise. Some people do not respond to ab-workouts like other people. Most people also do not have the genetics that allows them to get rid of belly fat quickly.
Fortunately, body contouring treatments like Emsculpt help men and women achieve the chiseled midsection aesthetic that so many people want. Learn more about what Emsculpting your abs can do for your midsection.
Emsculpt Builds, Tones, and Strengthens Abdominal Muscles
Until recently, popular body contouring treatments only focused on fat reduction. While reducing belly fat is an excellent way to uncover abdominal definition, these treatments neglect another important aspect of body composition: muscle. That is where Emsculpt comes in. This latest innovative treatment utilizes electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions that build, strengthen, and tone the abdominals.
How the Body Builds Muscle
Muscle growth requires stimulation and repair. When we exercise, we stimulate muscles and cause contractions that strain muscle fibers. The body repairs those damaged muscle tissues by creating new fibers that are bigger and stronger. This is how exercise and strength training builds strong muscles.
Muscle stimulation and repair require a lot of energy. To fuel the process of muscle hypertrophy, or muscle building, the body releases free fatty acids that break down fat deposits for energy. This process is known as lipolysis and reduces fat in the treatment area while also achieving muscle development.
Superman’s Ab Workout
Emsculpt abs replicate the process of muscle stimulation and repair by inducing powerful contractions. However, the famous body shaping treatment stimulates those contractions on a superhuman level. Emsculpt got its nickname, the Superman workout, because it utilizes Highly Focused Electromagnetic Energy or HIFEM. This energy stimulates supramaximal contractions. No type of manual exercise in the gym can achieve this type of contraction. A single 30-minute Emsculpt ab session delivers more than 20,000 super powerful contractions to the core muscles. That is the equivalent of 20,000 crunches or sit-ups.
Emsculpt Abs
Scientific studies show that Emsculpt treatments can contribute to the development of a defined six-pack. Recent data shows:
- 19% increase in muscle thickness
- 4% decrease in subcutaneous fat at 6-month follow-up
- 73mm reduction in the fat layer
- 46% reduction of diastasis recti
Emsculpt Your Abs in Westchester, NY
If you are ready to learn more about Emsculpt ab treatments and how this body contouring treatment can help strengthen, tone, and sculpt the muscles of your abdomen, contact Body Morph MD. We are a premier provider of Emsculpt in the Westchester. Call us at 914-391-1274 to schedule your consultation and learn if Emsculpt is right for you.
Schedule by phone at (914) 953 2955 or fill out the online consultation request
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¹ “Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging.” Dermato-Endocrinology. 2012.
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