What Causes Cellulite And How To Reduce It
Knowing what causes cellulite is the start to truly understanding how to reduce it. While many individuals think cellulite is a byproduct of obesity or poor lifestyle choices, it is actually believed to be caused by hormones, according to scientists. More than 90% of all post-pubescent women struggle with a degree of cellulite- regardless of their body’s shape and size.
Although cellulite is harmless, it is a particular cosmetic nuisance for many women. Read on to learn about cellulite, how it forms, what causes it, and the powerful non-surgical treatments that are available to help you overcome this troublesome skin concern so you can love your skin again!
The skin consists of layers. The lowest layer of subcutaneous fat is held in place by the overlying tissue layer known as the dermis. The dermis consists of a matrix of tightly woven fibers. These connective strands eventually break down and stretch out. This allows the underlying fat to protrude through the fibers, causing a rippled appearance on the skin’s top layer.
Not everyone struggles with cellulite. Here are some of the more common potential reasons: some may have it while others don’t.
If you’re prone to cellulite, even if you don’t have a lot of excess weight on your body, genetics may be to blame. Some people are genetically predisposed to cellulite due to their collagen structure, fat distribution, and overall skin health. If either of your parents had cellulite, you’re more likely to develop it, as well. This can be frustrating if you work hard to maintain a fit body and optimal health but can’t seem to get rid of embarrassing lumps and bumps.
As you get older, your skin becomes laxer and thinner due to declining levels of elastin and collagen. When skin loses elasticity, the appearance of cellulite can become even more pronounced. That’s why many aging adults tend to struggle with the appearance of cellulite. Some of the most common problem areas include the hips, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.
Cellulite forms when fatty tissue protrudes through connective tissue. Therefore, it makes sense that the more fat you have on your body, the more noticeable your cellulite pockets can become. When you have a lot of excess fat on your body, you’re more likely to have dramatically dimpled skin. Losing weight, on the other hand, can often lower the visibility of skin dimpling.
Hormone imbalances can contribute to cellulite development. Estrogen, progesterone, insulin, and thyroid hormones can all influence the way the body stores fat. They also affect blood flow to the connective tissues and lymphatic drainage. Here’s how an imbalance of any of these hormones can potentially cause cellulite to worsen:
- Estrogen: This female sex hormone may be most influential in cellulite development and appearance. It promotes fat storage in regions that are prone to cellulite, such as the buttocks and thighs. Estrogen can also slow lymphatic drainage, making cellulite look even worse.
- Progesterone: Progesterone is another female sex hormone that can contribute to the development of cellulite. Excess progesterone can cause bloating and fluid retention, which can exacerbate the appearance of dimpled skin.
- Insulin: Insulin is a hormone that rises in correspondence with high blood sugar levels. This hormone promotes the storage of fat in the body. People who eat a diet high in sugar may experience elevated insulin levels which can, in turn, worsen cellulite.
- Thyroid Hormones: Your thyroid hormones help regulate your metabolism. They also play a role in weight maintenance and fat storage. If thyroid hormones become unbalanced, they can lead to weight gain and potentially make cellulite look more noticeable.
These are just a few of the hormones that can potentially worsen cellulite if they become imbalanced.
Certain lifestyle factors can also contribute to the appearance of cellulite. For example, eating a diet that’s too high in fat, salt, sugar, and carbohydrates may increase unwanted dimpling. You may be able to combat cellulite by eating a healthy diet full of nutritious minimally processed, whole foods. Exercising regularly can also reduce excess body fat and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite Treatment Options and Benefits
Now that you know what causes cellulite, it’s important to learn about cellulite reduction options. Here are a few of the more cutting-edge treatment options on the market.
Emtone Treatment
Emtone is another a cellulite reduction treatment that can be used for all areas of the body. Providers of Emtone use a hand device to massage the treatment area. The device is powered with dual energies (RF and TPE) that stimulate many therapeutic benefits. These benefits include improving skin elasticity, disrupting enlarged fat cells, tightening, and remodeling collagen, and more.
Emtone is the only FDA-cleared device to combine radiofrequency (RF) and targeted pressure energy (TPE) to treat all cellulite forms. Emtone is a highly customizable treatment, and cost will vary per patient. If an Emtone specialist determines this treatment is right for you, they create a treatment plan that achieves optimal cellulite reduction.
Benefits of Emtone:
- 20-minute treatments that are comfortable and safe
- Little to no downtime
- Safe and scientifically proven treatment
- Results after just one session
- Natural skin rejuvenation
- Non-surgical, no anesthesia
Emtone combats the appearance of cellulite by restoring skin elasticity, remodeling collagen fibers, and reducing the size of fat cells. It’s a remarkable treatment that can make your skin look smoother, tighter, and less dimpled.
Emsculpt Treatment
Emsculpt is another non-invasive body contouring treatment that can shape and tone the body. It’s commonly used to contour the legs, abdomen, buttocks, chest, and arms. It’s FDA-cleared for enhancing musculature in targeted areas.
While Emtone combats cellulite by tightening and toning the skin, Emsculpt works a little differently. Like Emtone, Emsculpt harnesses radiofrequency energy to tighten lax skin. But it also uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to build muscle and reduce fat. Building strong muscles can help minimize and prevent the appearance of cellulite.
Benefits of Emsculpt:
- Fast results
- No downtime
- Non-surgical treatment
- Short and convenient sessions
- Simultaneous fat reduction and muscle-building benefits
Emsculpt tones and tightens the body faster than typical workout sessions at the gym. Therefore, it’s a quick and desirable way to reduce fat pockets, strengthen your muscles, and minimize the appearance of cellulite.
Avéli Treatment
Avéli is yet another FDA-cleared minimally invasive treatment for the reduction of cellulite. To perform this treatment, a provider numbs the area with a local anesthetic. Next, they make a small incision in the skin near the cellulite pocket. Then, they insert the Aveli device just beneath the skin and use it to cut the collagen bands (also known as septa) that cause the appearance of cellulite. Once the bands are cut, they don’t pull down on the skin any longer. This helps smooth the skin and alleviate the dimpled appearance caused by cellulite.
Benefits of Avéli:
- Treats the underlying cause of cellulite
- Delivers long-lasting results
- Short, convenient appointments
- Minimal downtime
- Non-surgical procedure
This treatment permanently releases the attachments caused by the treated septa. Therefore, it delivers long-lasting results. The septa can’t regrow, which means once you receive Avélia treatment, you’ll have a permanent reduction in the appearance of your cellulite.
However, it’s important to note that existing fat pockets can still enlarge and make existing cellulite look worse. That’s why it’s so important to continue living a healthy lifestyle and try to maintain your weight after your Avéli procedure. Gaining fat after your treatment could negatively impact your results.
Comparing Popular Cellulite Treatment Options
If you aren’t sure which popular cellulite treatment option is best for you, reach out to your provider. They’ll explain the pros and cons of each solution and help you choose the one that’s the best fit for your body and preferences. Every good provider’s primary goal is to help each patient select the treatment that will give them the best possible outcome.
Ready to Learn More?
Now that you know what causes cellulite and the best options for reducing dimples in the skin, it’s time to contact a provider! If you are looking to reduce cellulite on your body, look no further than Body Morph MD. Emtone is only available at our Harrison location, which also offers Emsculpt and Avéli cellulite treatments. You can also receive leading-edge Avéli and Emsculpt treatments at our Naples location. Contact us today by calling 914-391-1274 or by filling out the online form and scheduling your consultation.
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