weight loss balloon

Orbera Weightloss Balloon

Orbera is the #1 weight loss balloon available. This procedure is a non-surgical approach to weight loss. It is viewed as an excellent alternative to bariatric surgeries like a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. Orbera helps you eat less by temporarily placing a smooth, silicone balloon inside the stomach to make you feel fuller, sooner. 1 This device is going to be more effective for weight loss than diet and exercise alone.

Apart from being a phenomenal weight loss balloon, Orbera is a comprehensive medical weight loss system. Patients will receive a personalized health plan and professional coaching after their procedure. This support helps to guarantee ultimate weight loss success following the balloon’s insertion.

Read on to learn more about Orbera and determine if the weight loss balloon is right for you.

Benefits of Orbera Weightloss Balloon

  • FDA approved weight loss balloon
  • Non-surgical procedure
  • Removable, non-permanent
  • Easy, out-patient procedure
  • Lose weight quickly
  • Long-term results
  • Eat less and feel full more
  • Customized health plan and coaching
  • Minimal to no downtime required

Weightloss Balloon Before and After*

The gastric weight loss balloon before and after pictures show the real results from real Orbera patients. Each patient exhibits the effectiveness of this weight loss tool and how it helps shed significant weight fast. As with any weight loss treatment, results can vary.* Your results will depend heavily on your commitment to living a healthier lifestyle post weight loss balloon.

How Does the Weightloss Balloon Work?

The gastric balloon is put into the stomach during an easy, 30-minute procedure. Before the treatment, the physician will sedate the patient. However, the patient remains awake throughout the process. The balloon is placed into the stomach by going through the mouth via an endoscope. The balloon is inflated only when it has been successfully placed inside the stomach. It inflates with safe saline to about the size of a grapefruit.

The balloon remains in the stomach for six months. Patients feel fuller sooner and longer, helping them to eat less. During this time, the patient loses a large amount of weight due to the sudden change in eating habits

After six months, the balloon is removed the same way it went into the stomach. Once removed, the patient continues to receive full support from the team, helping them continue a successful weight loss journey.

How Much Does a Weightloss Balloon Cost?

This gastric balloon is an extremely affordable weight loss option. You can schedule a consultation with Body Morph MD to learn more about the Orbera price. Our treatment specialists can help customize the best payment plan that will fit your budget and needs. If you qualify for a payment plan, Body Morph MD will recommend credit companies with competitive rates to help you receive the most affordable option.

Weightloss Balloons Near Me

If you think the Orbera weight loss balloon is the right option for you, contact Body Morph MD to learn more. Schedule your consultation by calling us at 914-391-1274.


  1. Orbera® US FDA Pivotal Study & Obalon US FDA Pivotal Study.


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